Make February About More Than Candy Hearts!

Train UP your heart! February is National Heart Month around the world! Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number 1 cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year, according to the WHO. The greatest risks to heart health are an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco, and harmful use of alcohol. Some conditions that increase your risk of developing CVD include high blood sugar, glucose and lipid levels, and obesity.  That’s where Urban Poling can help! Take charge and add a pair of poles to walk to help mitigate and even reduce some of your risk factors by boosting your physical activity levels! No matter your age or stage of life, making urban poling a part of your routine is a great first step to prevent CVDs or get you started on your rehabilitation journey.

Still not convinced? The proof is in the research studies which show that Nordic walking supports cardiac health:

A study published by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute concluded that walking with poles is superior to standard cardiac rehab, even for those following mild to moderate heart failure. Keast et al., 2013

A short 6-week program of endurance exercises had a hypotensive effect in elderly persons over 65 years of age. Chomiuk et al., 2013

A 12-week moderate-intensity Nordic walking program found significant decreases in BMI, TF, LDL, TGs, and WC. Hagner et al., 2009

It’s not surprising that Urban and Activator poles are widely used across Canada and other parts of the world as an active way to prevent cardiac disease while reaping the added benefits of lower blood pressure levels, better weight management, and reduced stress levels just by adding poles to your walk. But that’s not all!  Activator poles are used as best practices for cardiac rehabilitation in Canada. So get that blood flowing and keep that heart-healthy as you walk your way to a better you with Urban Poling. Your heart will love you for it!

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