Contest alert! Help us create a list of 150 Great Canadian Hikes!

Canadians love hiking… and what’s not to love? Fresh air, exercise, beautiful scenery, a budget-friendly workout in every season. Hiking makes sense!

In celebration of Canada’s 150th Birthday and our country’s love of hiking, we’re running a contest from February 15 – April 15.

Our 150 Great Canadian Hikes contest asks Canadians to submit their favorite places to hike (within Canada).


  1. The name of the Canadian hiking trail or location you are submitting/nominating.
  2. A photo of the destination entered and a link (if available) for more information.
  3. Your contact information (if submitted by email).
  4. You must also agree that once submitted, your entry becomes the property of Urban Poling to use as desired (on our website, social media, etc.)

Based on the entries received and those selected for inclusion, Urban Poling will create a list of 150 Great Canadian Hikes following the contest that will be published on our website and made available to encourage hiking as a terrific, four-season form of fitness. We will of course also be promoting the benefits of using our poles for a full-body workout on the trails! Click here to learn about the incredible health and fitness benefits of using poles on walks and hikes.

Contest entrants can enter by way of Facebook or by submitting their entries to Remember, the contest runs from February 15-April 15 (closing at 4 PM).

Three prizes will be awarded as follows with winners selected by way of a random draw. Winners will be posted on our Facebook Page within a day or two of the contest closing. Good luck to all entrants!

Grand Prize ($650 Value Retail) Urban Poling Family Adventure Prize Pack
– $250 Visa Gift Card

– Family Set of Urban Poles (4 Series 300)

2nd Prize: Urban Poling Explorer Prize Pack ($300 Value):
– $100 Visa Gift Card
– 2 Sets of Urban Poles (Series 300)

3rd Prize:  Get UP & GO Prize Pack ($200 Value)
– 2 Sets of Urban Poles.

No matter where you live in Canada, a great hike isn’t far away. Let us know where you love to hike and let’s inspire others to lace up their shoes and hit the trails. Got questions? Please email us at or message us on Facebook.


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