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In Support of our partner, we would like to share with you this press release regarding the upcoming National Aboriginal Diabetes Awareness Day this coming

Toronto Star – Recovered spinal cord patient to run Scotiabank marathon

“This is about the next me,” says Robert MacDonald, who plans to run a half-marathon after recovering from partial paralysis. William Suarez / Courtesy of

Taking steps to fitness during Edmonton’s winter

Edmonton Journal Edmonton Master Trainer Susan Yackulic who owns Get Fit Personal Training talks about how she discovered Nordic Walking last fall, and how she

Urban Poling gaining traction in Grand Prairie

The Daily Herald Tribune This article features Beth Goldie, an Urban Poler for 10 years from the Grand Prairie who is among walkers that are

Global News Article- Tips to keeping your Fitness Resolutions

Already having trouble with your fitness resolutions? Ask yourself, ‘why?’ Lisa Workman, one of our fantastic Urban Poling Instructors is featured in this Global News

Alberta Cancer Foundation’s LEAP Magazine

A Pole Up- Article by LEAP Magazine We are proud to announce the release of LEAP Magazine’s article “A Pole Up” that focuses on the

Regina LeaderPost

In this video Cayt Foulston from Synergy Phsyio demonstrates how Urban Poles engage your core muscles for a full body workout. [button size=”med” colour=”green” link=””]Read

Calgary Herald

Pole-etry in Motion. Read about why Donna Alport, a physiotherapist and Cayt Foulson from Synergy Physiotherapy in Regina are advocates of Urban Poling for the cardio workout and core

Vancouver Sun

Urban Poling Beats a Walking Workout.  Also called Nordic walking, technique burns more calories and is easier on joints “If I’m going for a walk,

Canada AM

Gift Week – Libby Norris runs down presents for the Fit & Fabulous Canada AM’s Fitness Expert, Libby Norris,  selects the new Spirit Pole for

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