ACTIVATOR & Urban Poling Course – Canadian Centre of Activity and Aging

Urban Poling is pleased to announce that we will be offering a pre-conference course at the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA) Conference in London, Ontario June 7th 2018. First of it’s kind, we will be introducing the Ultimate ACTIVATOR & Urban Poling Combination Course! The course features all of our highly requested learning tools in a 4 part series.

What you can expect;
           Motivate your clients while significantly improving treatment outcomes for balance, core strength, posture, endurance; reducing impact on lower extremities and joints;and promoting functional gait patterns. Learn how this dynamic evidence based patent pending tool [ACTIVATORTM Poles] is revolutionizing rehabilitation and is being used extensively in all continuum’s of health care instead of passive mobility devices such as canes, crutches and even walkers.

More About the 4 Part Course;
Instructor: Jessica Lewgood
Jessica is the Saskatchewan Urban Poling (UP) Ambassador and an UP Master Trainer. She holds a Master’s of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Regina, and is a Certified Exercise Physiologist. Jessica is the owner of KinFit Family Health & Wellness where she has a keen interest in a full spectrum of clients including individuals who are decondition, have impaired balance or live with conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Osteoarthritis

™ COURSE (2 hours)
Research Review – 200+ studies
ACTIVATOR™Poles & Technique for a variety of conditions
Using the poles with orthopaedic, neurology, older adults & spinal conditions Nordic walking/ Urban Poling technique for managing diabetes & cardiac rehab.

Part Two: Be Balanced (1.5 hour)
Review of a variety of exercises which support fall prevention, options to extend this program well beyond walking for your clients. This multidimensional program addresses the following areas:
-Strength and Endurance
-Centre of Gravity Control Training
-Multi-sensory Training
-Postural Strategy Training
-Gait Pattern Enhancement Training
Part Three: ACTIVATOR program for Stroke Rehabilitation (30 minutes)
Urban Poling Inc. has collaborated with the March of Dimes to expand the awareness of the ACTIVATOR™ program for these clients.  Through this work a variety of exercises and strategies have been developed to facilitate rehabilitation and promote active living.
Part Four: The Urban Poling Instructor Certification Course (2 Hours)
The Urban Poling Certification Course will teach participants the practical skills of Nordic walking and how to teach Nordic walking to others.
For a further description of the pre-conference course and if you are interested in attending, you can register here; – UP
“They [ACTIVATORTM Poles] have been instrumental in promoting an upright posture and a functional walking pattern compared to canes and walkers. In my opinion they facilitate rehabilitation and return patients to optimal function faster.” –Dr. Charles G. Fisher MD MHSc FRCSC, Past President of the Canadian Spine Society

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