Rehab + Health

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Active Living Webinar Series: Prehab & Rehab for Hip & Knee Surgery through the ACTIVATOR™ Program

Join us next week as we share our expertise on the benefits of the ACTIVATOR™ Poles and program for pre & post hip and knee

Nordic walking after Stroke

This very interesting article reviews the first study on the long term beneficial effects of using Nordic walking (treadmill) to improve balance, gait and ADL

Get patients outdoors again with the Activator Poles – Physiopedia

At the European Congress for Physiotherapist in Liverpool, UK we had the opportunity to introduce Wendy Walker to the Activator poles. PhysioPedia DECEMBER 21, 2016 

Webinar – OTs as the Innovators & Developer

Join our presenter she engages participants to: Discover why occupational therapists make the perfect innovators and developers Gain insight into the challenges and hurdles our

New Activator Education Bulletin

To find out about the latest news on our education events & current research, we have launched the New ACTIVATOR Education Bulletin which will be

Six Studies on ACTIVATOR Poles

The ACTIVATOR poles and technique are revolutionizing the practice of rehabilitation as found in these studies taking place in hospitals and universities across Canada.   Read on

Parkinson’s Awareness Month

April is National Parkinson’s Awareness Month – Learn the Benefits of the ACTIVATOR program! Urban Poling is pleased to work with Parkinson Canada and support

3 Easy Ways to Prevent Falls and Stay Active

If you have osteoporosis and a fear of falling, your first instinct may be to dial down the physical activity in your life. After all,

Pre-Hab & Urban Poling: the Secret to Speedy Post-Surgery Recovery

Before her hip replacement surgery last year Wendy Crean, couldn’t manage a stroll around the block, and grocery shopping was out of the question. “Walking

Toronto Star – Recovered spinal cord patient to run Scotiabank marathon

“This is about the next me,” says Robert MacDonald, who plans to run a half-marathon after recovering from partial paralysis. William Suarez / Courtesy of

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