World Heart Day – September 29th

World Heart Day, this September 29th, is an annual awareness event hosted by the World Heart Federation to help focus on your heart and the healthy lifestyle choices you make in helping to create “heart-healthy environments,” the theme selected for World Heart Day 2014.

To “help join the movement” and combat cardiovascular disease (CVD), Urban Poling would like to encourage all participants to increase their cardiovascular health with a little added physical activity. The trail-walking adventures of Urban Poling are known for increased cardio conditioning, burning on average 20-46% more calories than regular walking. The perfect way to implement a healthy and active routine is to begin low-intensity recreational exercise, and simply getting outside and creating an environment of activity.

For those interested in following World Heart Day events, you can visit their Facebook page, or follow on Twitter, by using the hashtag #heartchoices or #worldheartday.

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