
Independence Day

Independence Day

Buy Urban Poles Urban Poles + Extra Accessory, regular $119.98 for only $84.99. Buy Activator Moda Activator Moda + Extra Accessory, regular $144.98 for only

Active living with Arthritis

Active living with Arthritis

Promoting Balance & Finding Your Stride with Urban Poling Arthritis Disease The condition is characterized by swelling and tenderness in one or more joints. Arthritis

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Month with Rick Phillips I purchased a pair of walking poles.  Yeah, I know, big deal.  But this is a big deal.  So let

Review: ACTIVATOR® Poles For Mobility

Review: ACTIVATOR® Poles For Mobility

Urban Poling’s ACTIVATOR® poles are great for many chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, MS, spinal stenosis, stroke, Parkinson’s, and more. Additionally, ACTIVATOR® poles are

Review: ACTIVATOR® Poles for Parkinson’s Disease

Review: ACTIVATOR® Poles for Parkinson’s Disease

Our poles have been vital in helping many individuals with Parkinson’s disease carry on their activities of daily living. Prescribed as best practices for neurorehabilitation

Physical Therapy Month Feature: Dr. Bahram Jam, PT

Physical Therapy Month Feature: Dr. Bahram Jam, PT

May is physical therapy month and we are featuring some of the amazing physical therapists who we have had the pleasure of working with. This

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

I purchased a pair of walking poles.  Yeah, I know, big deal.  But this is a big deal.  So let me tell you my story. 

Up Close & Personal with Barb Gormley

Up Close & Personal with Barb Gormley

Up Close & Personal with Barb Gormley We asked Barb a few questions so that she could share her valuable insight and experience: Q: When

Learn More About Lumino Health!

Learn More About Lumino Health!

We’re happy to be partnered with some amazing organizations and programs such as Lumino Health, an innovation from Sun Life! Lumino Health’s goal is to

Teaching Urban Poling in Covid Times, Blessing or Curse?

Teaching Urban Poling in Covid Times, Blessing or Curse?

Recently one of our long-time instructors Laura Clements wrote an amazing article on teaching Urban Poling during Covid. She was inspired after coming across our

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