Aged Care

Aged Care
Independence Day

Independence Day

Buy Urban Poles Urban Poles + Extra Accessory, regular $119.98 for only $84.99. Buy Activator Moda Activator Moda + Extra Accessory, regular $144.98 for only

Active living with Arthritis

Active living with Arthritis

Promoting Balance & Finding Your Stride with Urban Poling Arthritis Disease The condition is characterized by swelling and tenderness in one or more joints. Arthritis

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Month with Rick Phillips I purchased a pair of walking poles.  Yeah, I know, big deal.  But this is a big deal.  So let

NEW Parkinson’s Exercise Guidelines

NEW Parkinson’s Exercise Guidelines

The Parkinson’s Foundation has released new guidelines for exercises for individuals with Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s is a movement disorder that causes diverse symptoms which develop often

The Father’s Day 2021 Gift Guide

The Father’s Day 2021 Gift Guide

Father’s Day is fast approaching and we know that you ask the same question every year: what should I get dad? It’s time to think

Combine Exercise and The Great Outdoors to Boost Your Mental Health

Combine Exercise and The Great Outdoors to Boost Your Mental Health

More and more evidence supports that being outdoors and in natural environments has positive mental health benefits due to their restorative properties- they allow us

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

I purchased a pair of walking poles.  Yeah, I know, big deal.  But this is a big deal.  So let me tell you my story. 

Up Close & Personal with Barb Gormley

Up Close & Personal with Barb Gormley

Up Close & Personal with Barb Gormley We asked Barb a few questions so that she could share her valuable insight and experience: Q: When

Happy Valentine’s Day from Urban Poling!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Urban Poling!

Valentine’s Day is all about love, not just for couples, but for all forms of love. February is also National Heart Month. Treat your heart

Teaching Urban Poling in Covid Times, Blessing or Curse?

Teaching Urban Poling in Covid Times, Blessing or Curse?

Recently one of our long-time instructors Laura Clements wrote an amazing article on teaching Urban Poling during Covid. She was inspired after coming across our

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