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Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Blogger Rick Phillips On Activator Poles!

Arthritis Month with Rick Phillips I purchased a pair of walking poles.  Yeah, I know, big deal.  But this is a big deal.  So let

Activator Poles for Parkinson’s Wellness

Activator Poles for Parkinson’s Wellness

Active Living with Parkinson’s There are both motor and non-motor symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease. As it progresses, muscular rigidity, stiffness, and slow movements make

NEW Parkinson’s Exercise Guidelines

NEW Parkinson’s Exercise Guidelines

The Parkinson’s Foundation has released new guidelines for exercises for individuals with Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s is a movement disorder that causes diverse symptoms which develop often

Urban Poling as an Innovative Diabetes Intervention

Urban Poling as an Innovative Diabetes Intervention

Regular physical activity helps to regulate blood glucose and increase insulin sensitivity. The more muscles that are used during exercise, the greater will be the

Support Your Local Retailers This Holiday Season!

Support Your Local Retailers This Holiday Season!

As the busiest time of the year, fast approaches we are peppered with holiday wishlists and last-minute events. This year remember to support your local

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Octobers blog: Breast Cancer Awareness Month By: Oscar Palacio               Breast cancer is the most malignancy tumour in women and is the second one to

Top 5 Tip to Prevent Falls From an OT & Gerontologist!

Top 5 Tip to Prevent Falls From an OT & Gerontologist!

Falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults and the number of individuals who fall increases exponentially with each decade after the age

Alzheimer’ Disease Prevention

Alzheimer’ Disease Prevention

September Blog: Alzheimer’ Disease Prevention By: Oscar Palacio For September, Urban Poling is excited to discuss Alzheimer Disease and provide ways of lowering the chances

ACRM Annual Conference 2021

ACRM Annual Conference 2021

Urban Poling is excited to announce the participation of our co-director as a speaker, Mandy Shintani in the Progress in Rehabilitation Research Conference hosted by

Annual ANPT 2021 Conference

Annual ANPT 2021 Conference

Urban Poling is thrilled to announce its participation in the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy (ANPT) 1st “Virtual” Annual Conference in 2021. Content will be

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