Ask an Urban Poling Expert

We received a great question from a customer and we thought it would be beneficial to share with our followers.

Michele asks: “Running has helped remove the tension from my neck and shoulders by forcing me to relax them when I run. Will poles be able to help me achieve the same thing? Walking alone does not.

We said: “There are a few studies demonstrating the benefits of using poles to reduce pain for neck and shoulder injuries and promoting great posture… However, this would be totally dependent on you not tightening those muscles while you are learning to pole. Sometimes, new users are concentrating so hard on the technique that they tense up their shoulders. Keep your upper body loose and you should be quite happy with the results. The technique is outlined in the DVD. You can also return the poles in 60 days for a full refund if you find otherwise.”

Of course, our instructors will also gladly respond to any questions like Michele’s that you may have. Based on your experiences with Urban Poling, would you have some tips to share with Michele or anyone with the same question?

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