International Self Care Day

Hey you, yes you reading this! Do you tend to put others before yourself? Well, we are here to remind you that “International Self Care (ISD)” day is fast approaching. Yes, you read that right! Mark July 24th in your calendar because this day is dedicated to raising public awareness towards the importance of caring for oneself in hopes to be healthy and prevent or delay the onset of chronic illness.

The World Health Organization defines Self Care as “The activities individuals, families and communities undertake with the intention of enhancing health, preventing disease, limiting illness, and restoring health”.

This year, the theme for International Selfcare Day is “Feel Good 7/24”. We at Urban Poling want you to do just that.  In doing so, the International Self Care Foundation highlights that there are 7-Pillars to Self Care.
1. Knowledge and Health Literacy: Process and Understand basic health information and services needed to be healthy.
2. Awareness of Physical and Mental Wellbeing: Knowing values such as your Body Mass Index (BMI), Cholesterol or simply just being in check with your emotions and feelings.
3. Physical Activity: Meeting the physical activity guidelines, spending less time sitting and more time being active
4. Healthy Eating: Nutritious & balanced diet with an adequate caloric intake
5. Risk Avoidance: Quitting or refraining from tobacco use, limiting alcohol intake, practicing safe sex, vaccinations, sunscreen wear, etc.
6. Good Hygiene: Washing hands frequently, brushing teeth, washing food before use.
7. Rational Use of Products: Being aware of any dangers as well as using items responsibly

We stand by all of these pillars but resonate most closely with Pillar # 3; Physical Activity. In doing so, we encourage you to get up, and get active! If you are looking for ways to be more in tune with your personal care and are currently trying to be more active, then we suggest you do things that make you happy and certainly do not be afraid to try new things to add. if you have not tried Urban  Poling before, put it on your Self-Care To-Do-List because once you try it out you’ll be surprised you hadn’t done it sooner. Urban Poling aka Nordic Walking makes regular walking a total body workout! The activity engages 90% of your body’s muscles and burns between 20-46% more calories than walking without poles. All in all, a healthy body = a healthy mind!

Remember the good old “Oxygen-Mask Analogy from your on-flight safety demonstrations, You cannot take care of others without taking care of yourself first. So strap on your Oxygen Mask, do some self-reflection and take 10 minutes each day to reflect how you cared for yourself because a healthier you is a better you!

With Health & Happiness
-The Urban Poling Team

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