Urban Poling

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Contest alert! Help us create a list of 150 Great Canadian Hikes!

Canadians love hiking… and what’s not to love? Fresh air, exercise, beautiful scenery, a budget-friendly workout in every season. Hiking makes sense! In celebration of

Walking to school: a step in the right direction

The last few days of the summer break are upon us, and it won’t be long before the school bells ring. Help your kids kick

Urban Poling – the “take anywhere” workout

Wondering how you’ll stay active and fit on vacation this summer? Just add poles! Whether you’re discovering a bustling city, trekking through a national park,

10 reasons to love our poles

 The ergonomic CoreGrips target your core Feel your abs tighten each time you push off and propel yourself forward with your poles. No pesky straps

Physiotherapists give thumbs…

Canada NewsWire OTTAWA, Oct. 19, 2011 An increasing number of Canadian physiotherapists are realizing the benefits of Nordic pole walking for their patients, adding a

Canadian Living Magazine – Urban Poling

Nordic-Walk Your Way to Weight Loss  ~by Cheryl Embrett We thought you’d be interested in this feature article, “Nordic-Walk Your Way to Weight Loss,”  just

Nordic Walking Pilot Trial – McGill University

Canadian Physiotherapy Association, May 2010. A003 –Nordic walking for geriatric rehabilitation: A randomized pilot trial S Figueiredo,(1),(2) L Finch,(2) M Jiali,(2) S Ahmed,(1) A Huang,(3)

Conquering Kilimanjaro & Parkinson’s

Urban Poling Inc. is proud to support Heather Pardon, who will be using a pair of our Activator poles on her climb up Mount Kilimanjaro in

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