Wendi Paterson Inspiration Award-April

Thrilled to share our April Wendi Paterson Inspiration Award winners as these two people who are being honoured have done more than their fair share of inspiring!

 Mandy Johnson (MJ) Urban Poling Ambassador Alberta

MJ is an avid fitness enthusiast who has over 40 years experience in fitness, recreation, health promotion and active transportation. She is the proud owner of Active by Nature, in Canmore, Alberta  where she shares her passion for Urban poling by teaching Nordic walking to people of all ages, stages and abilities. She also provides local clinics and walking sessions and has been a guest speaker at conferences throughout Canada. Most recently she has joined forces with a travel group and ventured abroad to lead Nordic walking tours.  Last year Mandy and her entourage traveled to Italy’s beautiful Amalfi coast and this year have their sights set on exploring Portugal’s coast and beaches in late September. Who knows where her poles will take her after that…..?  Congratulations MJ on receiving on being our Wendi Paterson award winner for April. You have captured the essence of Wendi’s enthusiasm and passion for active living and are carry out her life long’s mission everyday through your boundless energy and steadfast determination to lead by example. You truly are an Ambassador as you promote Urban Poling here at home and beyond throughout your travels- a first class act!

Harry McMurtry

We honour Harry McMurtry, a 54 year old living with Parkinson’s, who embarked on a 500 mile trek from Manhattan to Toronto to raise research funds and awareness for the disease.  Harry is living proof that you can shatter the stigma associated with having a disability and that there is no need to be shy about it. Urban Poling was happy to be one of the congratulatory spectators at this memorable event for Harry and Parkinson’s Disease.  We are honoured that ACTIVATOR Poles assisted Harry in his mission.  We hope his accomplishment also highlights how ACTIVATOR poles have a positive impact on balance, gait, and posture and can help people to have more fulfilling lives. We congratulate Harry on his rewarding and inspiring mission!  We also honour Harry for being the winner of our Wendi Paterson award for April.

Like Wendy, Harry exemplifies a winning attitude and a fighting determination to maintain a healthy lifestyle while inspiring others to do the same regardless of their personal limitations or abilities. We cheer you on as you continue on your courageous journey in keeping active with Parkinson’s. We will be with you every step of the way!

Nominate someone for a Wendi Paterson Inspiration Award! 

If you know a passionate and inspiring Urban Poler who you feel would be worthy of being recognized through this award please feel free to share with us by emailing info@urbanpoling.com. Tell us why you feel this person is deserving on the award and a little bit of information on who they are.  We look forward to hearing from you!

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