Conquering Kilimanjaro & Parkinson’s

Urban Poling Inc. is proud to support Heather Pardon, who will be using a pair of our Activator poles on her climb up Mount Kilimanjaro in February 2011. Heather is a member of the Kili Conquerors for Parkinson’s team. The team, headed by registered nurse and wellness expert Reta Currie, is using the Mount Kilimanjaro climb to raise $50,000 for Parkinson Society Ottawa and Societies across Canada.

Heather feels the Activator poles are perfect for this event. Two independent research studies have found that pole walking had a significant effect on the exercise tolerance of individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and could provide a safe, effective, and enjoyable way to reduce physical inactivity in PD and to improve quality of life. 

Interested in joining the Kili Conquerors for Parkinson’s team? Contact Reta Currie at 613-271-1673 or

Donations for the Kili climb can be made through the Parkinson Society Central & Northern Ontario website at: Or join Heather and her group in Ottawa at the Most Eggscellent Chicken Halloween Party for Parkinson’s on Saturday, October 30, 2010. For more information on this fundraiser for Parkinson’s visit:

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