Step into Nature

stepintonature#May marks the start of many things, warmer weather (we hope), increased day-light, mental health awareness week, a fantastic time of year for poling and it coincides with the launch of Conservation Ontario’s Healthy Hikes Campaign!  Healthy Hikes is an annual initiative of Conservation Ontario, in partnership with Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities and other similarly-minded organizations. The initiative encourages Ontarians to step into nature at their local Conservation Areas from May to October.

We are elated to be partnering with Conservation Ontario as they encourage Ontarians to explore their local Conservation Areas and take the opportunity to capture the moment and share it with them for all to see and enjoy!

Similar to our Take A Hike Canada Campaign, we are so pleased to be able to support like-minded organizations who are ultimately encouraging Canadians to enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors while being active!  There is no better recipe for success than exercising in nature – forest bathing, topping up on Vitamin “N” – Nature, geocaching – whatever you want to label it, it’s all about getting outside!

Follow these three easy steps to participate in this fantastic campaign and take a hike in a new spot this season – in one of Ontario’s beautiful Conservation Areas! #HealthyHikes #StepIntoNatu

1.     Visit a Conservation Area

2.     Snap a fun selfie or nature image

3.     Share it on social media using the hashtags #HealthyHikes & #StepIntoNature

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