Urban Poling @ the CVF Convention

The Urban Poling Together+Movement is excited to be at the CVF Convention in just a few weeks’ time with our amazing instructor and Master Trainer MJ leading the way!


Why just walk the CVF Convention events in Banff when you can Nordic walk using specially designed Urban Poles?  By Nordic walking/Urban Poling you will burn 20 – 46% more calories than walking alone and engage 90% of your bodies muscles, including all core muscles.  Less stressful on backs, hips, and knees than walking without poles, Nordic walking provides a fantastic total-body workout, improves posture, balance and cardiovascular fitness.  Ideal for using on Banff’s paved trails, walking with Urban Poles also makes it much easier to navigate rugged terrain and ascend and descend steep mountain trails.  Think of it as 4-wheel drive for humans!

Take advantage of the unique opportunity to take a pair for a test drive at the Banff Convention. Urban Poling ambassador Mandy Johnson will be present throughout the convention and will be making poles available to trial for free to CVF Convention participants.  Two brief demonstrations are scheduled prior to the Tunnel Mountain and Sundance Canyon self-guided walks to learn the correct technique.  Be sure to visit the Urban Poling booth throughout the convention to learn more.

For those planning on staying in the Banff area after the Convention wraps up, keep in mind that Mandy, a Master Trainer with Urban Poling, will be delivering the four-hour Urban Poling instructor course in neighbouring Canmore on Monday, June 2, from  9:00 am to 1:00 pm, with an optional afternoon guided walk along one of Canmore’s spectacular walking trails beside the Bow River.

The unique and comprehensive instructor certification is ideal for walking/hiking enthusiasts an gives you all the materials, tools and support you need to quickly and effectively start your own Urban Poling programs in your local community.  Register here or contact Mandy for more information at activebynature@rogers.com.

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