Michelle’s Journal – Week 2

We are grateful that Michelle, an Urban Poler, has offered to share her fitness journey with us on our Blog. Join her as she reflects on her goals and her progress each week. We hope you will be inspired and motivated!
See her blog from Week 1 here.



My first week on plan went pretty well.  I decided not to try the Simple Start plan as I knew it would be too easy to not pay attention and just eat anything, so I started tracking right away.

I find tracking a necessary if not bothersome part of this plan.  It is necessary for me, as I need to see exactly what I am eating.  If I don’t, then I don’t pay attention and I eat what I want.  The downside is that it takes up time in my already overloaded schedule.  I have to bring myself to a point where it is no longer such a chore.

In regards to exercise, I need to do more.  I met my goal of 20 minutes of walking per day.  It was a good start and I enjoyed getting out.  This winter was one of the worst I can remember for weather.  Usually, I Urban Pole right through the winter but this year the amount of snow and ice made it impossible.  Now that the weather has improved (a bit) I need to push myself to get out.  I also need to get back to my weights.  Since muscle burns more calories than fat, I really need to increase my overall muscle tone.

My commitment for this week – I will do three 20-minute workouts with weights and a minimum of 2 longer walks.   I also need to keep on tracking.

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