Keeping Our Communities Active

We are privileged to be working with numerous  Indigenous communities across Canada who have embraced our program and are offering Urban Poling/Activator® Exercise Classes within their communities.

In times like these we know that many of you are grappling with how to keep your communities healthy – both mentally and physically – during these trying times.  Here are some options to consider for those of you that already have our poles and are looking for ways to re-invigorate the program.

1)      Consider a Pole Lending Program. Have members sign out poles at a designated spot or establish a pole drop off program to those members who would be interested in maintaining their physical fitness independently in the coming weeks.  With this pole lending program, email them our 10 Week Starter Program to follow so they feel they have something to work from and a little guidance/support along the way.

2)      As a community, follow our social media channels. We are committed to offering additional ideas in terms of the wide variety of options to use our poles, not only for walking but for other both indoor and outdoor exercise options.  Share these ideas through your social channels to encourage your community members to try them for themselves.

3)      Start Up A Community Walking Challenge. Offer incentives and prizes for those members who post their fitness tracker results via photo as proof that they actually went outdoors and walked.  Every photo they submit gets then an additional entry for the main prize draw.  Consider selecting winners weekly, or even a couple times of week to keep people inspired and motivated.

As a reminder, we are not encouraging groups of people heading out together, but more individual community members going out on their own and trying to maintain or UP their own personal fitness and health.  Please be sure to practise social distancing and remember to clean poles with sanitizing wipes to prevent the spread of germs, especially for pole lending programs.

If you are a community leader, and have other ideas that you’d like to share, please reach out to us as we’d love to hear from you and we will share your ideas with other community leaders!  Please email:

We wish you well & are here to help in any way that we can!


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