Be a Long-Weekend Warrior

It seems like just yesterday we were writing down our new-year resolutions which may have included goals along the lines of “being more active/adventurous”…Well, this upcoming May 24 Long-Weekend may just be the perfect opportunity for you check a few things off of your resolution bucket list.

We are so lucky to live in a country surround by so many wonderful National Parks. To add, Ontario alone is home to 270 Conservation Areas that offer a wide variety of fun for all and are sure to give you some great stories and even some social-media worthy pictures to share with your friends, families or followers. Whether you want to go hiking, camping, geocaching or experience some new scenery, there are an abundance of gorgeous spots both near and far that are sure to keep you on feet while still ensuring you have the opportunity to unwind.

Be sure to bring along your Urban Poles. This may be the perfect time for you to try them on some new terrain knowing you have your poles for added balance and support.

Whichever activity you and your family choose to partake in over this beautiful long weekend, do not hesitate to share your experience with us over social media!

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