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Walk This Way : Comment la marche est bénéfique pour la santé et la forme physique en général

While it may be true that running marathons and killing it at boot camp will improve your endurance and cardio, you don’t have to go

Votre programme de remise en forme est-il à la hauteur ?

Whether you’re new to exercise or have led an active lifestyle for years, it’s important to strive for a balanced fitness program. All exercise has

L'exercice : une prescription pour une meilleure santé et une vie plus longue

By Catherine Cameron If you’re not taking your daily dose of exercise, you’re shortchanging yourself. Without it, you’re at greater risk of diseases such as

Introducing our new Walk@Work program

Healthier employees and a healthier bottom line! Research confirms exercise makes us happier and healthier. It helps prevent disease; is the only proven way to

3 façons simples de prévenir les chutes et de rester actif

If you have osteoporosis and a fear of falling, your first instinct may be to dial down the physical activity in your life. After all,

Pre-Hab & Urban Poling : le secret d'un rétablissement post-chirurgical rapide

Before her hip replacement surgery last year Wendy Crean, couldn’t manage a stroll around the block, and grocery shopping was out of the question. “Walking

10 reasons to love our poles

 The ergonomic CoreGrips target your core Feel your abs tighten each time you push off and propel yourself forward with your poles. No pesky straps

Les hanches et les genoux douloureux apprécient nos bâtons

Contact médias : Mandy Shintani directeur général Urban Poling Inc. 877-499-7999 / 604-990-7712 Il n'y a rien qui tue le plaisir plus rapidement qu'une hanche endolorie ou qu'une

Toronto Star - Un patient rétabli de sa moelle épinière participera au marathon de la Banque Scotia

“This is about the next me,” says Robert MacDonald, who plans to run a half-marathon after recovering from partial paralysis. William Suarez / Courtesy of

Pourquoi tant de coureurs aiment aussi leurs bâtons !

Over the past several years we’ve noticed an exciting trend: an increasing number of runners are embracing Nordic Walking (aka Urban Poling) as a means

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