Welcome to our Instructor web page, you are part of team of 5500+ graduates of instructors, therapists and health care professionals who are ambassadors for promoting awareness of this great fitness activity!
Professional/Wholesale Pricing for Poles & Accessories
If this is your first visit and you’re ready to start using the ACTIVATOR poles at your practice/hospital OR start an Urban Poling classes or private lessons through your fitness business, remember that you are eligible to receive professional pricing/wholesale pricing for ACTIVATOR & Urban Poles as well as accessories.
Canada: Contact us at 1-877-499-7999 or orders@urbanpoling.com for special pricing. Ask us for the password to try out our new “Wholesale Shopping ” page on this website that lets you order at any time of day and with faster service
Alternatively, you can refer your clients to purchase poles and accessories online at www.urbanpoling.com or to one of our retailer at Find A Retailer in Canada or Amazon.com or Amazon.ca.
Step 1Complete the “Urban Poling Instructor Certificate Course” Here you’ll learn proper Urban Poling technique and how to teach others.
Step 2Complete the “Urban Poling Instructor Certificate Course Practicum.” Polish your personal poling technique and build confidence through practice teaching.
Step 3Review the information and resources on the Urban Poling Private Instructor Website. This website links you to our national network of 5,500+ Urban Poling instructors. You’ll also find marketing ideas, resources, videos, photos, handouts etc., to help you build your knowledge and business.
Step 4Order a Class set of Urban Poles (Wholesale Special). Many instructors like to have at least 20 pairs of poles to loan to new class participants, for demos, clinics, private lessons and special events and to sell. You can sell or rent these poles. You can make a significant profit by selling poles. You can also offer a special rate for participants who purchase a classes-and-poles package from you.
Step 5Complete “Secrets of Success: How to Design & Market Your Urban Poling Program” (audio course, transcript & resources). Don’t reinvent the wheel! Ten of Urban Poling’s star instructors share their ideas and experiences on class design, pricing, selling poles, attracting participants and more.
Step 6 Set up a simple website and advertise on the Urban Poling website (www.urbanpoling.com). There are lots of free websites, you can download and even a one page website would be sufficient to start. Over 6,000 consumers visit the Urban Poling website each month, many of them looking for classes in their town or city. Visit the “Classes” tab on the website to see what information is required from you. Then send it to info@urbanpoling.com. There is no charge for this service; it is for certified Urban Poling instructors who have placed at least one wholesale order.
Step 7Order Urban Poling business cards – and carry them with you! Business cards are an inexpensive way to promote your business (try retailers like Staples). Be prepared when people ask you about your classes and how they can join in. Stash cards in all your jacket pockets, and store cards near your poles so you can grab some each time you grab your poles.
Step 8Send a press release to your local newspaper or write a blog (see sample in this manual). Tell your local media about the benefits of urban poling, dates for upcoming classes and/or events, and how you will be helping to improve your community’s health and fitness. To save time, visit www.canadaone.com/promote/newsrelease4.html for an automatic “press release generator.” Key in the information it requests, and this free program instantly creates a professionally-formatted document for you.
Step 9Schedule 2 hour clinic/private lessons. Offer a 2 hour clinic if urban poling is new in your area or private lessons. If you want to start a weekly class, if may be beneficial to offer a free brief demo. (People often hesitate to commit to series of classes before they understand the activity.) If you do a demo, make it about 30 minutes long and give people a taste of what the weekly classes will be like – not an actual walk! Pole back and forth on the front lawn of your facility to intrigue passersby, and keep it simple. (There’s more information about demos in our marketing audio course “Secrets of Success: How to Design and Market Your Urban Poling Program.”)
Step 10Post and distribute flyers about your classes (see Instructor Website for samples and professional photos). Email flyers to your friends, clients and other contacts.