Healthy Lifestyle

Introducing our new Walk@Work program

Healthier employees and a healthier bottom line! Research confirms exercise makes us happier and healthier. It helps prevent disease; is the only proven way to

Warum auch so viele Läufer ihre Stöcke lieben!

Over the past several years we’ve noticed an exciting trend: an increasing number of runners are embracing Nordic Walking (aka Urban Poling) as a means

Schnappt euch eure Stöcke... und los!

Walking more is the single best thing many Canadians can do to improve their health – and adding poles offers even more benefits! This 10-Week

UP Get Fit For You 2016 Herausforderung #GetFit4U

Happy New Year! Each new year represents a fresh start, a clean slate, a time of rejuvenation, new adventures and challenges. In the spirit of

Verschenken Sie in dieser Weihnachtszeit Gesundheit und Glück

Did you know exercise is the one thing proven to slow the aging process? Did you know it enhances not only our physical health, but

Verschenken Sie in dieser Weihnachtszeit Gesundheit und Glück

Did you know exercise is the one thing proven to slow the aging process? Did you know it enhances not only our physical health, but

Outdoor-Abenteuer für Schulen

Urban Poling führt wieder ein Sonderangebot für Schulen ein, bei dem sie beim Kauf von Urban Poling-Ausrüstung und bei der Ausbildung von Lehrern sparen können. Dieses Angebot gilt ab September

10 Health Benefits of Urban Poling

In my pursuit of finding affordable, fun, outdoor activities that provide multiple health benefits I recently came across Urban Poling. Not only do you feel

Diabetes eindämmen - ein Schritt nach dem anderen

If you haven’t already seen this feature piece on Diabetes from the CBC, you should! As many of us know already, Type 2 Diabetes is

10 Tips for Stay on Track with Urban Poling

10 Tips to Stay on Track with Urban Poling! Need some motivation to be the healthiest you can be? Need a quick and fun way

Tippen Sie und drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um zu suchen.

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