Inspirierende Geschichten

Inspirierende Geschichten
Upcoming Podcast: Learn More About Twitchy Woman

Upcoming Podcast: Learn More About Twitchy Woman

You may have heard that we have an upcoming podcast with Twitchy Woman, aka Sharon Krischer and we couldn’t be more thrilled! The Parkinson’s Foundation

Hilfe für diejenigen, die anderen auf dem Weg zur Genesung helfen

Hilfe für diejenigen, die anderen auf dem Weg zur Genesung helfen

Der Januar ist nicht nur der erste Monat des Jahres, sondern auch der Monat des March of Dimes Canada Caregiver, und wir möchten ihn feiern

Twitchy Woman: Have You Tried Poling?

Twitchy Woman: Have You Tried Poling?

Check out Sharon’s Website: (The following review/opinion is strictly my own. Urban Poling provided the walking poles and accessories to me at no charge

Wendi-Paterson-Inspirationspreis - Juni

Wendi-Paterson-Inspirationspreis - Juni

CRITICAL MONITOR LINES to the FINISH LINE This month will re-introduce Rob MacDonald, a miraculous story of a man who was told that he had

Wendi-Paterson-Inspirationspreis - Juni

CRITICAL MONITOR LINES to the FINISH LINE This month will re-introduce Rob MacDonald, a miraculous story of a man who was told that he had

International Women’s Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day and Urban Poling salutes all women who make a difference in the lives of others each and every day.  We

Movement Inspiration

Unsure of how to become more mindful about your physical activity? Struggling to find your story and reason behind your physically active behavior? The Why

Ryan Titcheners ACTIVATOR Weg zur Besserung

For many, July 31st marks the end of another summer month, however, for Ryan Titchener, July 31st is the anniversary of his climbing accident. 2 years

A Testament to Urban Poling

Below you will read a testimonial from an Urban Pole User- Florence. Florence is a frequent member of the Polercise group in Waterloo and she had

LOVE Contest Winners

LOVE; A 4 letter word with a lot of meaning! Boy did all of our entries for our LOVE Contest highlight that! We had a

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