November is no ordinary month

November is brimming with activity here at Urban Poling as we are proud supporters of the historical remembrances and health awareness conditions of this month.

Lest we forget: First of all we honour our many veterans who fought so valiantly for the many freedoms that we enjoy today and that should never be taken for granted.  November 11 is Remembrance Day so let’s be sure to take some time to thank our brave veterans and reflect on their selfless sacrifices.

.It is also fall prevention month.  Let’s not forget that falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults.  We are striving to keep our seniors moving safely with the help of our Activator poles.

Keeping them moving, keeping them active, and steady on their feet!

November is also Movember – with a focus on men and their mental and physical wellbeing. There are lots of fun ways to promote mental health and awareness of men’s cancers.

You can grow a mustache but you can also stay physically and socially active.  A leisurely walk with our poles is a great way to recharge, regroup and enjoy the company of a friend. So grab your poles, call a friend, and get outdoors!

Last but not least, we have to acknowledge
World Diabetes Day on November 14.

We’re big on prevention and do our part all year long by promoting exercise to to help fight the onset of diabetes and help delay its progression. It can be as easy as adding a pair of poles to your walk to make it more of a workout.  It’s fun, it’s easy and it’s up to you to take the first step!

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