Healthy Lifestyle

Fuel UP zum Weitermachen

Fuel UP zum Weitermachen

By: Nina Munthe-LePage As a nutrition educator, I know that our engine (body) works at its best when we fuel up well in the morning. Ever

Power UP 2 Conference

Power UP 2 Conference

2019 Marks 14 Years of excellence and education for Urban Poling Inc. What better way to celebrate our continued leadership in Canada and now beyond

Travelling the World the UP Way

Travelling the World the UP Way

When travelling near or far, few would argue that the best way to experience new destinations is by self-propelled means.  Walking tours are an especially

Travelling the World the UP Way

When travelling near or far, few would argue that the best way to experience new destinations is by self-propelled means.  Walking tours are an especially

Fuel UP zum Weitermachen

By: Nina Munthe-LePage As a nutrition educator, I know that our engine (body) works at its best when we fuel up well in the morning. Ever

Power UP 2 Conference

2019 Marks 14 Years of excellence and education for Urban Poling Inc. What better way to celebrate our continued leadership in Canada and now beyond

Gesundes Schenken

With the Christmas season fast approaching, and as you start to contemplate what you would like to give your loved one, please consider the benefit

Mit Urban Poling die Waage kippen! - Nationaler Monat des Diabetes-Bewusstseins

November is National Diabetes Awareness month and the role of lifestyle intervention is as ever, one of, if not the most, important forms of prevention

Lets talk about your Bone Health – Osteoporosis Month

November is Osteoporosis Month, but what exactly is Osteoporosis? Most people know that it has to do with the weakening of your bones, but there

Monat der Sturzprävention

Falling itself isn’t always a bad thing, some of us even pay to fall! Activities like bungee jumping, sky diving or even roller coasters give

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