Vestibular disorders

In addition to the many health benefits of walking with poles, using the unique ACTIVATOR℗ Poles may provide superior support when walking by encouraging proper posture, better balance and overall improved stability. The use of these poles has also been shown to improve common symptoms related to vestibular disorders. The specialized ACTIVATOR℗ Poles and technique, designed by an occupational therapist & gerontologist, build walking-tolerance and confidence, promoting an easier transition to an active lifestyle following a vestibular diagnosis.

Research Benefits:

Evidence-based studies on balance clearly identify poling as a healthy mode of physical activity suitable for individuals with balance and stability difficulties. Urban poling offers proven beneficial effects on key health parameters which may include:

  • Better pain management
  • Reduced impact on knee joints
  • Higher exercise tolerance
  • Improved posture, balance & stability
  • Healthy weight management
  • Increased gait speed

Contact: for professional pricing for clinics.

Email for an education sheet on the use of walking poles with post hip and knees for your clients or additional information.

I have some mobility and balance issues so walking was a chore, even though I love to walk. I discovered Urban poles and bought a pair of Activator poles over 1.5 years ago. I have never looked back. I walk every day! I am able to walk faster and with more confidence. I was on a weight loss journey and thanks to my poles giving me the confidence to walk, I lost 70 lbs. I am excited to share my story!

– Katherine

I have Cauda Eqina Syndrom and a severe dizziness and balance problem. I can hardly walk with a walker. My vestibular therapist recommended the Activator poles and we are both amazed at how well they are working for me

– Horst

I bought your poles as a Christmas present for my wife and she gives them an A+. She is active and has seen a notable improvement in her balance and greater peace of mind/safety while hiking."

– Jeff

*Consult your physician or therapist before using the poles if you currently use a cane or walker, or if you are currently recovering from an injury or surgery.​

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