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Sitting is killing us. It’s time to take a stand

Did you know Canadian adults are sedentary for about 9.5 hours a day? This time can largely be attributed to  desk jobs and the amount

Camminare in questo modo: come il camminare giova alla salute e alla forma fisica generale

While it may be true that running marathons and killing it at boot camp will improve your endurance and cardio, you don’t have to go

L'esercizio fisico: una ricetta per una salute migliore e una vita più lunga

By Catherine Cameron If you’re not taking your daily dose of exercise, you’re shortchanging yourself. Without it, you’re at greater risk of diseases such as

Introducing our new Walk@Work program

Healthier employees and a healthier bottom line! Research confirms exercise makes us happier and healthier. It helps prevent disease; is the only proven way to

Le anche e le ginocchia doloranti apprezzano i nostri bastoni

Media Contact: Mandy Shintani managing director Urban Poling Inc. 877-499-7999 / 604-990-7712 There’s nothing that kills fun faster than an achy hip or a

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