Group Orders

Group Orders

Group Orders

We take pride in working with communities across Canada to set up or enhance their walking programs with Urban Poles.  Programming options include work place wellness, walking groups, hiking clubs, indoor senior fitness classes, mall/indoor track groups and snowshoe outings. Urban Poles are available at wholesale pricing and to help get you started we offer instructor training.  

In addition to our nationally recognized Urban Poling Instructor Training course, we have an Activator Course for Health Care Professionals and Diabetes Training for Community Leaders.This year, we are excited to announce the launch of our 2016 campaign, the Year of the Volunteer.  In recognition of the vital importance of volunteers, we are pleased to offer our online instructor training for FREE.

Walk@Work | Retirement Living | Indigenous Communities | Outdoor Adventure for Schools

For more information or an Estimate please contact us at or 1-604-990-7711

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