A Testament to Urban Poling

Below you will read a testimonial from an Urban Pole User- Florence. Florence is a

frequent member of the Polercise group in Waterloo and she had this note (originally hand written might I add) that she wanted to share with us, and of course all of you !

Keep on reading to find out the moment Florence felt the difference while walking with/without her Urban Poles !

“The other day I realized what a different it makes when you usethe poles for walking.

I usually walk the halls in the apartment building for a half hour each evening. It helps me keep mobile and also being border-line diabetic it keeps my blood sugar level under control.

My son was visiting me so I asked him to go with me for a walk outside. I didn’t use the poles and before we got back he said “are you alright, you sound as if you were running a marathon”. I sat on the first chair I saw when I got in the front door and I am only 90 years young !”

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