Weltschlaganfalltag mit dem March of Dimes

Urban Poling is proud to have partnered with the March of Dimes
to promote physical activity to both prevent and rehabilitate from strokes.
We all know how important exercise is in staying fit and healthy
and it can be easy as putting one foot in front of the other and walking.
Why not add a pair of poles to your outings and at the same time
strengthen your core, improve your balance and get a better workout?

We are dedicating the entire month of October to stroke awareness and
invite you take a moment to view some inspiring stories and learn how our ACTIVATOR™ poles have helped many through their recovery process by providing the added stability and confidence to walk again.

Carol’s Inspiring Story:
Read about it here: https://modcblog.ca/2017/10/02/carol-agnew-urban-pole-walking
Watch Carol’s Story here: https://youtu.be/Okr6lLZTMsA
Lynn’s Inspiring Story: 
Bruce’s Inspiring Story: https://youtu.be/3zKpW4l4pv8




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