Urban Poling puts “Research to Action”

A quote by Bobby Unuser says “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet”. Well Urban Poling is proud to announce that we have an excellent certification opportunity for all you fitness/Nordic walking enthusiasts so you can be one step closer to success!

We will be offering all of our most highly requested and researched based certification courses in 1 pre-conference workshop at the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA) “Research to Action” Conference June 7th 2018!

Urban Poling is a fun and addictive low-impact activity for people of all ages and fitness levels. Learn how to teach this fantastic fitness activity with this practical and comprehensive course. This 4 part course includes the following:

  1. ACTIVATOR Course
  2. Be Balanced Course
  3. ACTIVATOR for Stroke Rehabilitation
  4. Urban Poling Instructor Certification Course

We know how important it is to continually add to your professional development, especially as fitness trends are continually growing. That is why; all of our courses are accredited by some of the leading certifying bodies in the country. How many credits you ask? You will receive 1 credit from the CCAA for participation in the pre-conference workshop. To add, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) Members will earn 12 Professional development Credits for attending this event, while Can-Fit Pro members will receive 6 Credits.

If you’re interested in learning more about the workshop or registering please visit the link https://www.uwo.ca/ccaa/training/conferences/preconference.html – UP

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