
Il poling urbano come intervento innovativo per il diabete

Il poling urbano come intervento innovativo per il diabete

L'attività fisica regolare aiuta a regolare la glicemia e ad aumentare la sensibilità all'insulina. Maggiore è il numero di muscoli utilizzati durante l'esercizio fisico, maggiore sarà la

Conferenza annuale ACRM 2021

Conferenza annuale ACRM 2021

Urban Poling is excited to announce the participation of our co-director as a speaker, Mandy Shintani in the Progress in Rehabilitation Research Conference hosted by

Annual ANPT 2021 Conference

Annual ANPT 2021 Conference

Urban Poling is thrilled to announce its participation in the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy (ANPT) 1st “Virtual” Annual Conference in 2021. Content will be

Conferenza virtuale ICAA 2021

Conferenza virtuale ICAA 2021

Urban Poling is very excited to announce the participation of our co-director, Mandy Shintani in the conference of the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA).

La riunione annuale dell'AAOS

Urban Poling is delighted to announce that from August 31st to September 3rd, we will be presenting at The AAOS Annual Meeting. Valuable information related to

2021 American Indian Elders Conference

2021 American Indian Elders Conference

Urban Poling is thrilled to announce that the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) will be presenting the American Indian Elders Conference from August 1st

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