Aiutare coloro che aiutano gli altri sulla strada del recupero

January is not only the first month of the year but it’s also March of Dimes Canada Caregiver month and we would like to celebrate our partnership with this dynamic organization and their valuable role in supporting not only those who have suffered a stroke but their caregivers as well. March of Dimes Canada offers a host of online programs and resources to help them better support their clients by offering a variety of platforms and insights from both professionals, advocates, and other caregivers.

We can all use a little help from our friends and March of Dimes helps those who are helping others.

That’s why Urban Poling and March of Dimes make such a great team.A pair of Activator poles can make a big difference in getting a stroke patient to get back on their feet and walking again during their rehabilitation and beyond. We are proud to donate 1% of Activator pole sales in Canada to this life changing organization as together we get people moving again one small step at a time!

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