
Parkinson Wellness Recovery and Urban Poling: A Mobility Driven Duo

Parkinson Wellness Recovery and Urban Poling: A Mobility Driven Duo

Urban Poling and Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!) are proud to announce a collaboration to support those living with Parkinson’s disease by improving their everyday mobility

Hilfe für diejenigen, die anderen auf dem Weg zur Genesung helfen

Hilfe für diejenigen, die anderen auf dem Weg zur Genesung helfen

Der Januar ist nicht nur der erste Monat des Jahres, sondern auch der Monat des March of Dimes Canada Caregiver, und wir möchten ihn feiern

Twitchy Woman: Have You Tried Poling?

Twitchy Woman: Have You Tried Poling?

Check out Sharon’s Website: (The following review/opinion is strictly my own. Urban Poling provided the walking poles and accessories to me at no charge

Active Living for Cancer Rehab

Active Living for Cancer Rehab

Active Living for Cancer Rehab Summarized by Dr. Agnes Coutinho PhD. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends incorporating regular physical activity, as part of a healthy

Webinar – Active Living for Orthopaedic Rehab – Healthcare Professionals

Webinar – Active Living for Orthopaedic Rehab – Healthcare Professionals

Active Living for Orthopaedic Rehab ACTIVATOR ℗ Poles are an evidence-based, patented tool that is revolutionizing rehabilitation. Prescribed extensively across all continuums of healthcare for therapy and

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