Aktywne życie z chorobą Parkinsona

Summarized by Dr. Agnes Coutinho MSc PhD

Health professionals are recommending the ACTIVATOR℗ Poles for Parkinson’s clients as research studies clearly show walking with poles is an effective, safe and enjoyable physical activity*. Physical activities, such as walking with poles, may improve motor skills, balance and gait quality, as well as supporting mental health. Clients with Parkinson’s and participants of Parkinson’s-specialized programs agree, and report that, using the ACTIVATOR℗ Poles promotes greater independence and improves quality of life.

ACTIVATOR Poles have even helped our customers such as Harry McMurtry participate in Walk Events with Parkinson's associations.

Korzyści z badań:

Evidence based studies on Parkinson’s clearly identify poling, with the proper training, as a healthy mode of physical activity suited for improving quality of life. Walking poles offer proven health benefits which may include:

  • Zwiększona równowaga i stabilność
  • Poprawiona postawa ciała
  • Zwiększona wytrzymałość rdzenia
  • Zwiększona tolerancja chodzenia
  • Większa niezależność w codziennych czynnościach
  • Improved confidence
  • Decreased stress, anxiety and depression
Contact: orders@urbanpoling.com for professional pricing for clinics.

"Game Changer" according to Harry McMurtry who used ACTIVATOR Poles on his 500 Miles for Parkinson’s.

I was steered to use the Activators by my Parkinson’s physiotherapist and I am very pleased that she did. My gait has improved and I have reduced my time to complete my walks by some 30-50%, so now I am focusing on going greater distance. My therapist has remarked that I am no longer shuffling.

– Keith

I have noticed an unbelievable change in my Parkinson’s clients – their confidence increases as soon as they have the poles in their hands, they walk taller and straighter and it has been a great tool for gait retraining in terms of increasing their stride and walking tolerance. The best part is that they started smiling during our sessions!

Jessica Lewgood, Exercise Therapist

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