Come i bastoncini Activator® possono essere utili alle persone con SM

Come i bastoncini Activator® possono essere utili alle persone con SM

La SM è una patologia che dura tutta la vita e che ha un impatto sulla vita quotidiana dell'individuo. Fortunatamente, le persone con SM possono migliorare il loro stile di vita utilizzando i bastoncini Activator®.

LIVE WEBINAR – Active Living for People with MS

LIVE WEBINAR – Active Living for People with MS

Active Living for People with MS Find out why people with MS are giving accolades to the evidence-based ACTIVATOR® poles for improving posture, balance, endurance,

WEBINAR DAL VIVO - Vivere attivamente con la SM - Professionisti sanitari

WEBINAR DAL VIVO - Vivere attivamente con la SM - Professionisti sanitari

Active Living with MS Find out why therapists are giving accolades to the evidence-based ACTIVATOR℗ Poles for promoting improved posture, balance, endurance, mood and confidence

Harvard Health Supports the Benefits of Walking with Poles – Blog article in PT Helper

Harvard Health Supports the Benefits of Walking with Poles – Blog article in PT Helper

Harvard Health Publication recently posted a article titled, Fitness trend: Nordic walking, Walking with Nordic poles burns more calories and works more muscles than conventional

Vita attiva con la SM

Vita attiva con la SM

Active Living with MS Summarized by Dr. Agnes Coutinho PhD Research Benefits: Evidence-based studies clearly identify poling, with the proper training, as a healthy mode

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