


ACTIVATOR and Urban Poles are available online through Australian distributor, Pole Walking Australia.

Pole Walking Australia

At Pole Walking Australia, we have a vision to increase people’s quality of life through improving mobility.  We love to connect Urban Pole walkers with local trainers, walking and exercise groups wherever possible. We also provide all models of Urban and Activator poles and accessories to walkers and health professionals. Finally, we provide high quality training courses for healthcare professionals that showcase the many and varied uses of Urban Poling for health and wellness in the clinic and beyond. Urban Poles are unique in the Nordic walking community in that they are used not only as a fitness activity, but also in many different rehabilitation settings by Allied Health professionals. This is because their specially designed Activator poles provide greater stability for users. Areas in which therapists are currently using Urban and Activator poles include knee and hip replacements, spinal injuries and surgery, older adults, cancer care, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke rehabilitation.


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